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1. How to call a stranger
Sir = Pak (Bapak)
Ma'am = Bu (Ibu)
Mas = approximately same age (male)
Mbak = approximately same age (female)
Kak (Kakak) = approximately same age (both male & female)
2. How to make yourself understood
Sir, excuse me, can you speak English?
Pak, maaf, bapak bisa bahasa Inggris?
Mas/Mbak/Kak, bisa bahasa Inggris?
Is there anyone can speak English?
Ada yang bisa bahasa Inggris?
Excuse me, can you talk slower?
Maaf, bicaranya bisa lebih pelan?
Can you repeat that?
Boleh diulang(i)?
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Maaf, saya nggak ngerti.
Do you understand what I mean, Sir?
Apa bapak ngerti maksud saya?
I don't know.
Saya nggak (kurang) tahu.